[Zope] help with restrictedTraverse
J. Cameron Cooper
jccooper at jcameroncooper.com
Wed Dec 10 22:17:02 EST 2003
Ruben Montejano wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> The task I am trying to accomplish is to be able to call an
> object(it could
> be a dtml method, python script, php document, etc), given its path as
> a string
> parameter.
> Let's say my directory structure looks like this:
> /-+-Plone-+-homepage
> +-reports-+-Site1
> +-Site2-+-myObject
> +-...
> +-...
> I need to call myObject, which path is '/Plone/reports/Site2/',
> from any
> other directory within the directory structure, but at this time I'm using
> homepage.
> Browsing the mailing list I found that I could use
> restrictedTraverse, so
> I created an External Method getObject under the homepage directory
> with the
> following code:
> def getObject( self ):
> return self.restrictedTraverse('/Plone/reports/Site2/myObject')
> myObject in this case is a php document that contains:
> <?php
> include "http://2ksvr/ploneSupp/lines.php?wk=2002-06-01";
> ?>
> Now using the External Method from the homepage's index_html:
> <dtml-var getObject>
> This is what I get, instead of the chart that this object displays:
> <?php include "http://2ksvr/ploneSupp/lines.php?wk=2002-06-01"; ?>
I don't think you really need restrictedTraverse here, but can let
acquisition do the job::
<dtml-var "Plone.reports.Site2.myObject">
should work fine. Even better::
<span tal:replace="structure context/Plone/reports/Site2/myObject" />
But that's just because I push ZPT.
The basic problem you have above seems to be that the basic "call"
behaviour of the PHP document object is to hand over its source, and not
to render itself, which is strange. (Can you just visit that URL and see
it rendered?) You may be able to get it to do that by tacking an
'index_html' at the end. Otherwise you'll have to investigate the
API/source of that object to see what method makes it render itself. I
don't know anything about it, so I can't tell you off-hand. (You may be
able to find this out based on the URL of the "view" tab in the ZMI.)
"My point and period will be throughly wrought,
Or well or ill, as this day's battle's fought."
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