[Zope] TextIndexNG Similar search HELP!!!

Joel Jensen joel at joeljensen.com
Tue Dec 30 20:12:48 EST 2003

I am trying to do a SQL LIKE query on a lastname attribute of a zclass. 
ie. show me all the lastnames LIKE 'cronkyte'

should return cronkite...

I am trying to use TextIndexNG to do this.

I need to get the Similarity search part of TextIndexNG working.

I can create a working TextIndexNG using the Zope management
interface, this index will return EXACT matches, but not similar ones.

However the ZMI does not appear to have a way to activate the
Similarity search.

How do I use the Similarity search in a query?


I am using zope 2.6.1
mandrake linux 9.1
python 2.1.x
Joel Jensen

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