[Zope] Still can't get PIL working properly

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 19:16:24 +0100

Ed Leafe wrote at 2003-2-2 11:11 -0500:
 > 	I've followed the document at 
 > http://www.zope.org/Members/regebro/PIL_zope and gotten a lot of help 
 > from this list, and have made progress, but still cannot get it to work 
 > in Zope.
 > 	At the end of the doc mentioned above, after all the compiling is 
 > done, it says to:
 > cp -r PIL *.so /the/zope/installation/lib/python/
 > to complete the installation. I did that, and still get the message 
 > that "The _imaging C module is not installed". I then did some Googling 
 > to see if something could shed light on this, and I found a (non-zope) 
 > site that recommended installing PIL in the [python]/site-packages 
 > directory, and to use "python -v" to help discover what was being 
 > loaded from where. So I tried that with the python 2.2 that RedHat 
 > installed, and ran "python -v" to start. The startup text included the 
 > version information "Python 2.2.1 (#1, Aug 30 2002, 12:15:30)". I then 
 > type the following, and got the following respose.
As a side note:

  You must not run Zope with Python 2.2.1!

  You *MUST* use either Python 2.1.3 or Python 2.2.2.

Do this same (starting with -v) with the Python, you use Zope with:
 >  >>> import PIL.Image
