[Zope] Re: Zope QuotaFolder -- scripting API ?
Ivo van der Wijk
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 20:03:30 +0100
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 03:16:14PM -0500, cmulcahy@avenirsolutions.com wrote:
> Ivo,
> I love your QuotaFolder product and I would like to user it in a python
> script. ( Please forgive me, I am new to zope )
> I installed QuotaFolder and I can create new QuotaFolder objects from the
> ZMI,
> but I would like to use it in a script like:
> try:
> context.manage_addQuotaFolder(username,"Portfolio of %s" %
> username,quota_bytes=10485760,quota_objects=1000,quota_maxsize=0,REQUEST=Non
> e)
> except Exception, e:
> print "Create folder failed : %s" % e
> return printed
> or:
> try:
> context.manage_addQuotaFolder(username,"Portfolio of %s" %
> username,10485760,1000,0)
> except Exception, e:
> print "Create folder failed in first exception: %s" % e
> return printed
> etc. etc.
> but in every case the script fails to do anything, the 'try' fails and
> throws an Excpetion 'e' that stringifies to "manage_addQuotaFolder"
Correct. The right way is:
container.manage_addProduct['QuotaFolder'].manage_addQuotaFolder(username,"Portfolio of %s" % username,quota_bytes=10485760,quota_objects=1000,quota_maxsize=0,REQUEST=None)
Drs. I.R. van der Wijk -=-
Brouwersgracht 132 Amaze Internet Services V.O.F.
1013 HA Amsterdam, NL -=-
T +31-20-4688336 F +31-20-4688337 Linux/Web/Zope/SQL/MMBase
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W http://vanderwijk.info E ivo@amaze.nl Consultancy
PGP http://vanderwijk.info/pgp -=-