[ADMIN] Plea for sanity (was:Re: [Zope] Re: full-text retrieval
Oliver Bleutgen
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 15:52:33 +0100
Anthony Baxter wrote:
>>>>Ed Leafe wrote
>> If someone posts a question, how do you know if they have received an
>>answer yet? I would say that for questions I've posted, well over half
>>of the replies were off-list. Many of those times, someone had already
>>answered me; the second poster could have saved their time if they knew
>>that an answer was already given.
> Look, the simple answer to this is that all decent mail reading software
> gives you the choice to either reply directly to the poster, or to the
> poster and the list, or to the list.
How do you do that in mozilla? How does the MUA know which adress is the
one from the list?
As I see it, when replying to the mailing list I have two choices:
"Reply", which in case of this email would be Anthony Baxter
<anthony@interlink.com.au>, or "Reply All", which adds
Ed Leafe <ed@leafe.com>,Martijn Pieters <mj@zope.com>,zope@zope.org
as CCs.
Since I mostly just want to reply to the list, there's always manual
work involved (which I'm doing now, in order to spare all the
participants in this thread the extra mail), either deleting the wrong
adress and manually typing zope@zope.org in the first case, or deleting
all the adresses where I don't want to send the mail to, and changing
the "CC:" from zope@zope.org to a "To:".
So, just out of interest, am I missing some feature mozilla is offering me?