[Zope] [ANN] CMFCollectorNG 0.20 Beta 2 released
Andreas Jung
Andreas Jung <lists@andreas-jung.com>
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 20:06:13 +0100
I am pleased to announce the release of
CMFCollectorNG 0.20 beta2
CMFCollectorNG is a Zope/CMF-based bugtracking system (based on
Major features of CMFCollectorNG:
* major code cleanup and complete new skins
* very generic to add new ticket properties to a tracker
* enhanced tracker configuration through the web
* extend usage of the CMF memberdata tool to store user informations
and user preferences
* rewritten transcript to keep issue related informations in an
abstract format
to produce different output (HTML, plain text for email notifications)
* tickets can have references to other tickets (also across
CMFCollectorNG instances)
* dedicated views for uploaded files and references to other tickets
* better roles management:
o TrackerAdmins manage the tracker
o Supporters can file tickets, create followups, upload files,
add references to other tickets
o Reporters can file new tickets and upload files and references
* XML export (to be used with XMLRPC)
* watchlist/monitoring functionality
* Plone compatibility
* much more minor improvements (too much to mention them :-) )
Changes since 0.20 Beta 1:
* Anonymous users are no longer permitted to upload files to avoid misuse
(upload of inappropriate content)
* added support for issues submissions through email
* the CMFCollectorNG class now has a migrate method to update an instance
to new collector properties
* moved watchlist_action.py to scripts folder
* support for non-US dates (requires Zope 2.7 or included patches)
* bugfixes/code cleanup
Project page:
- Andreas Jung http://www.andreas-jung.com -
- EMail: andreas at andreas-jung.com -
- "Life is too short to (re)write parsers" -