[ADMIN] Plea for sanity (was:Re: [Zope] Re: full-text
retrieval app)
Bill Anderson
07 Feb 2003 08:58:32 -0700
On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 08:48, Ed Leafe wrote:
> I think a more objective survey would be to look at the number of
> similar support lists, and see how many of them are set up to reply to
> the list, and how many aren't. I'm currently subscribed to 11 technical
> support lists, and this is the only one that does not default to
> sending replies to the list.
"But MOM, all the other kids do it!"
"If they all jumped off a bridge into burning lava would you?"
I'm on about three dozen lists, mostly technical (all but 5). All but
two are like this one (and for some reason they get more spam than the
others). If you want a reply-to, add it yourself.
In fact, I managed a non-technical list that originated with your
suggested setup, moved it to an arrangement like this one, and everyone
is happier they say. And list membership went up.
Bill Anderson <bill@libc.org>
Linux in Boise Club