[Zope] Aquisition

Volker Wend volker_wend@web.de
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 22:27:11 +0100

Hello Folks,

I am developing an Page Template that should create a link depending on the content of that folder. If I find an index_html, I want a Link otherwise not.

I have a Python Script check4index_html:

return hasattr(context.aq_explicit,'index_html')

and the following PageTemplate:

<a tal:condition="python:r.object.check4index_html()==1" tal:content="r/object/title_or_id" tal:attributes="href url" target="main">Id</a>

For some reasons the condition evaluates to true all the time. The script works fine and the objects are valid ( I see the right title). 

So what is wrong ?

Thanks for any ideas....


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