[Fwd: Re: [Zope] Re: Java re-invents DTML :-)]

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:42:04 +0100

Bo M. Maryniuck wrote:

 > Errmm... When you use WYSIWYG like Macromedia DreamWeaver, it works 
with DTML without ANY problem

It displays stuff like <dtml-if> bla <dtml-else> foo </dtml-if> 
incorrectly, showing both, as far as I know. And it of course doesn't 
show anything when you have a <dtml-var>. These are basic problems with 
DTML-type solutions, and TAL addresses them.

  If dreamweaver breaks TAL tags, then dreamweaver is doing something 
wrong. It shouldn't touch them, since it doesn't know what it is. 
However, with TAL it is possible to make a WYSIWYG editor that works 
without a problem, but with DTM, you can't (unless you make a special 
DTML+Zope editor).