[Zope] passing browser Id value #2

Mario Bianchi kammamuri_mb@hotmail.com
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:17:20 +0000

Hi to all,

this follows my previous having subject "passing browser Id value" to 
further explain what I'm looking for.

I want to embed the browserId value in every link/button/clickable-item of 
pages in my site as the very last action before sending the pages back to 
client; put another way I want to parse the HTML code of the page that Zope
has built in response to the current HTTP request, embed into the 'href'
and 'form' tags some identifier of mine and send the modified page back to 

The point is that the parsing and embedding are to be performed 'on exit' 
to say-, i.e. when Zope has already processed the web request and
built an HTML page to be sent back.

To Dieter Maurer:

Hi Dieter,
does your extension to VHM meet these requirements? I'm afraid VHM is 
to solving the problem of URL rewriting BEFORE letting Zope handle (publish)
it, while I need some sort of parsing/rewriting 'on exit'.

Thanks, cheers,

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