[Zope] create objects with dot in product
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 01:29:39 -0500
Peter wrote on Monday, February 24, 2003, 5:48:53 PM:
>>There must be a trick, since the ZMI can do it?
> class MyProduct:
> ...
> file_htm = PageTemplateFile('www/file.htm', globals())
> MyProduct.__dict__['file.htm'] = MyProduct.file_htm
This worked, thanks.
Chris's (whom i also thank for his response) setattr(self, ...)
solution didn't work, because there is no "self" available at that
point in the object. Probably would work if it was inside a method.
Tim Middleton | Cain Gang Ltd | Asios pummeled his thighs..."Father Zeus,
x@veX.net | www.Vex.Net | you, even you, turn out to be a liar." (H)