[Zope] How could I make a form with multiple actions

Wayne Connolly wayne@c-media.com.au
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 18:43:36 -0800 (PST)

Thanks Cameron,

You are the first to respond and I thank you very
much. However I have resolved this through hard work
and a lot of mistakes...

It ended up being very similar to your suggestion
below however i added the ability to put a user
friendly name for the file which then becomes the zope
object name...

It turned out perfectly. If you would like to see the
py script its below. I had repurposed this how-to
http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/995659423 I changed
it slightly to enable concurrent db referencing.. It
works buetifally.
Thanks again.

sentFiles = {}

for key in context.REQUEST.keys():             # get
all the ids
    if key[:5]=='file_' and key[-3:]=='_id':   # we
find id file_XXX_id

for key in context.REQUEST.keys():
    if key[:5]=='file_' and key[-3:]!='_id':    #we've
got a file
        #found its id and make sure file exists
        if sentFiles.has_key(REQUEST[key+'_id']) and
            del sentFiles[REQUEST[key+'_id']]   
#remove keys that dont have files

#now that we have created a dictionary w/ a id and we
know its value is a uploaded file
#lets write them to the context's folder

for k in sentFiles.keys():
    container.Files.manage_addFile(k, sentFiles[k])


return 'Finished updating the database and adding ' +
str(len(sentFiles)) + ' files. <a href="add">Add
More</a>, <a href="browse">Browse</a> or <a
href="index_html">Go Home</a>'

--- J Cameron Cooper <jccooper@jcameroncooper.com>
> >
> >
> >I have a form which i require to do two things
> with.
> >1. Insert data into a MySQLdb table.
> >2. Upload a file to the zope file system.
> >
> >I can do both indiviually no problems.
> >
> >I want to do this so i have a mysql refrence to the
> >file but dont want the file actually in the mysql
> db.
> >I want all this data linked.
> >
> >My problem is that I want to do both at once by
> >clicking the same submit button.
> >
> >I was thinking that maybe I could pass all data to
> a
> >py script and have it deal with the input one at a
> >time. But I couldnt come up with the syntax. It
> doesnt
> >seem to gel in my dense skull.
> >
> >
> >Any idea's?
> >  
> >
> Hard to say without more context, but I'll give it a
> shot:
> There's two components:
> 1) a form that has fields for your database data (a,
> b, c) and your 
> file. The form's action is...
> 2) a script to do the processing. It calls a ZSQL
> method to do the 
> database insert and adds a file to the ZODB
> (probably named after your 
> primary key.)
> So in your HTML upload page:
> ...
> <form method="post" action="multiScript">
> ...
> <input type="text" name="key" />
> <input type="text" name="a" />
> <input type="text" name="b" />
> ...
> <input type="file" name="upfile" />
> ...
> </form>
> ...
> and in the Python Script:
> request = container.REQUEST
> ...
> context.someZSQLMethod(key=request.key, a=request.a,
> b=request.b)
> context.manage_addFile(id=request.key,
> file=request.upfile, title="title",
> precondition="precondition", 
> content_type="content_type")
> # note that everything after id is actually optional
> ...
> # return something or redirect
> This is of course only a skeleton, but I think all
> the fundamentals are 
> there.
>           --jcc

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