[Zope] Zope inserting base tag

Paul Winkler pw_lists@slinkp.com
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 08:39:16 -0500

On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 11:14:59AM +0000, Marc Burgauer wrote:
> Hi
> I have a problem creating valid HTML 4 with Zope. It seems that Zope inserts
> a <base> tag when calling an index_html document without specifying the
> file:
> <base href="" />

yes, this is necessary or else relative URLs will not work.
if you view http://foo:8080/bar/,  without the base tag,
the browser will treat a link in bar/index_html e.g. <a href="baz"> 
as http://foo:8080/baz instead of the intended http://foo:8080/bar/baz.

> If I type in my browser "" Zope adds the base tag. If
> I type "", it doesn't. Sadly the way it
> creates this tag is not valid HTML 4.01 strict (or transitional) according
> to validator.w3.org. We want to use W3's icons on the sites we're building,
> as it seems the closest thing to a certificate for quality-HTML. (Basically
> it something that helps selling.)
> The offending thing is the XML-like ending. " />" If I remove the
> space-slash from the code, it validates.
> I assume that I could suppress this somewhere in the source code (possibly
> HTTPResponse.py), but I'm not sure where and how.

You're correct - ZPublisher/HTTPResponse.py, the method is insertBase
and the offending slash is added around line 313 as of zope 2.5.1.
you'll have to either patch the source or use a "monkey patch."


Paul Winkler