AW: Re: [Zope] urgent! wrong query results on next/previous urls in ZSQL/Zsearch

Dieter Maurer
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 21:07:31 +0100

Peter Marx wrote at 2003-2-28 12:03 +0100:
 > ahaaaa! I now posted the bug to, but any result will
 > be too late for my go-live.
 > Is there some example available anywhere, which is the equivalent to the
 > automatically generated Z Search forms ?
 > In the zope manual and on all zope sites there is no code available using
 > make_query.

It looks like this:

    tal:define="mq python:modules['ZTUtils'].make_query;
                p  batch/previous;
	 <a tal:attributes="href python: '?' + mq(request.form,b_start=p.first)">

"batch" is a batch defined elsewhere, "b_start" is its start parameter.
You will probably find these (maybe a bit differently named)
in your generated template.
