[Zope] Using Layer with cookies

Axel Missbach Axel.Missbach@t-online.de
Sun, 05 Jan 2003 13:08:21 +0100

On Clientside having an orderform, where the user can select a part 
after giving some values for a Query(ordernumber, partname,...). the 
values are send to the dtml-Dcument, where a SQL-Query puts the Data to 
an array.
First writing a cookie, then updating a layer.src="dtml-Document Name", 
in the end display the array-data.
This works fine, until the cookie value has whitespaces(' ').

Writing a cookie "value="a b c";expires...",
on Clientside(the mainform) the REQUEST.cookie is korrekt, but on the 
serverside(the layer.src) the REQUEST shows only

Why is the value truncated?
Is there another way to get dynamic Data in a html-form?

thanks Axel