[Zope] Zope killed by TCPA?

rra42 rra42@yahoo.co.uk
Sun, 05 Jan 2003 17:12:02 +0000

At least in Europe, (and I think the CBDTPA in the USA does much the 
same thing), we will have laws that make buying non-fritzed hardware 
somewhat difficult. Below is an extract for EU Directive 2001/29/EC, 
Chapter III, Article 6, published at 


2. Member States shall provide adequate legal protection against the 
manufacture, import, distribution, sale, rental, advertisement for sale 
or rental, or possession for commercial purposes of devices, products or 
components or the provision of services which:

(a) are promoted, advertised or marketed for the purpose of 
circumvention of, or

(b) have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other 
than to circumvent, or

(c) are primarily designed, produced, adapted or performed for the 
purpose of enabling or facilitating the circumvention of,

any effective technological measures.

End Quote

So it is not immediately clear that we will be able to legally allowed 
to buy non-fritzed hardware, and even then, will Intel consider that 
they want to manufacture non-fritzed chips?


Lennart Regebro wrote:

> From: "rra42" <rra42@yahoo.co.uk>
>>I got the impression that an open source document or application will
>>not run on a "fritzed" PC unless the code had been signed/certified:
> That would kill all type of backwards compatibility. Can you imagine a
> future Windows that can not run any current application? I can't, nobody
> would buy it.
>>And there's more. Every program you want to execute has to be certified.
> According to the TCPA this is simply incorrect. I'm sure it will be possible
> to have a setting that only allowes certified code to run, this would for
> example be useful on network server to protect against viruses and worms, or
> when you don't want your employees to install games on companies computers.
> :-) But making a version of Windows that doesn't run legacy code *at all* is
> like making a completely new operating system. And who would buy that? The
> reason people run windows is because there is so much software for it. And
> Microsoft is well aware of that fact, and trust me, they won't make an OS
> that has no software to it. They tried that once (OS/2) and it didn't work.
> :-)
> Also, if you wouldn't be able to run Linux on Fritzed hardware then you
> wouldn't buy Fritzed hardware, and your problem would be solved. And who
> would benefit from that? Well, certainly not TCPA...
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