[Zope] manage_AddProduct for ZPT

beno zope@thewebsons.com
Sun, 05 Jan 2003 19:50:08 -0400

At 12:29 AM 1/6/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi benno,
>--On Sonntag, 5. Januar 2003 06:25 -0400 beno <zope@thewebsons.com> wrote:
>>I would like to do the equivalent of this:
>><dtml-call "manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder(id, title)">
>>in ZPT to create a page on-the-fly. Can it be done?
>Although it _could_ be done, it schould not be done.
>Unlike DTML, ZPT was created for strict as possible
>diversion of logic and content. Since manage_add* is
>logic, you should put it into a python script
>and call it during template publishing (if it outputs
>something essential as content) or before
>you call the template.

Indeed, I intend to do just that...I'm only testing things and learning now.