[Zope] Could Someone Clean This DTML Up?

beno zope@thewebsons.com
Mon, 06 Jan 2003 04:46:44 -0400

At 12:22 AM 1/6/2003 +0100, you wrote:

>beno schrieb:
>>Here's my code. I know there are all sorts of errors. But I'm not sure 
>>where in the documentation to find the corrections (other than somewhere 
>>in the Zope Book). Your help would be appreciated.
>><dtml-let lang="REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')">
>>  <dtml-in expr="context.objectsInTheFolder">
>>   <dtml-if expr="&dtml-id==&dtml-lang">
>>    <dtml-let approved="&dtml-lang">
>>   <dtml-else>
>>    <dtml-let approved="en-us">
>>   </dtml-if>
>>  </dtml-in>
>First of all, terminate all &dtml entities by a semicolon.
>Second, dtml-let needs a closing tag. This tag can't be outside of the 
>DTML hierarchy the opening tag is in, which means that if you define a 
>variable inside of a dtml-if, you have to close it inside, too, and the 
>value is lost for further use. Shortly: this won't work, try another way.
>Third, IMHO it doesn't make sense to extract values from variables inside 
>a Python expression per DTML entities, try "id == lang" in line 3, and 
>correct line 4 accordingly (your DTML namespace will be correctly looked 
>up inside the expressions, you don't need the &dtml-...; part).

Okay, well here's what I've got right now...

<dtml-let lang="REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')">
  <dtml-in objectsInTheFolder>
   <dtml-if id=="&dtml-lang;">
    <dtml-let approved="&dtml-lang;">
     <dtml-var approved>
    <dtml-let approved="en">
     <dtml-var approved>

If nothing else needs work, clearly line #2 does. How do I call the objects 
in the folder? Also, strangely, whenever I try to save these changes in my 
Zope it errors out with, of all things, HTTP 500. I tried to use a 
<dtml-set> tag, which is a product I've installed, but it appears not to 
work with 2.6. Without that tag, of course, I can't keep the variable from 
going out-of-scope, so I have to work my magic within those nested 
<dtml-let> tags, which I can do, although I (obviously) have to do it 
twice, which is a bit of a kludge.

>Point four: would it be possible that this could be better done in a script?

Maybe. But if it can be done cleanly in DTML, that would be better because 
this is mainly for a product that will hopefully serve as a tutorial for 
newbies and a short DTML script would be appropriate (I have plenty of 
short python scripts). How would I rewrite this line for a python script?

<dtml-let lang="REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')">
