[Zope] Greatly Simplifiied Script writing to session: Is there anything wrong with this?

Redding, Matthew Matthew.Redding@dpi.qld.gov.au
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:31:05 +1000

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could tell me why this python script (passed
no parameters)
creates session values for N_prod, N_shed, N_screen, N_pond, N_land,
N_soil that 
are all the same.

What am I doing wrong?  Is this a vaguery of the script system, and
should I use 
an external method instead?  I am running this on a Redhat 7.3 system,
to the latest patch.
import math

#Define loss values:

#Calculate Components at each step, and assign to the session.
#_Manure Production
session['N_prod']=round(session['num_spu']*0.081814, 1)

#_exiting the shed

#_exiting the screens
session['N_screen']=round(session['N_shed']*(1-(N_screen_loss/100)), 1)

#_retained in sludge
session['N_sludge']=round(session['N_screen']*(N_sludge_loss/100), 1)

#_retained in the ponds
pond_loss/100)), 1)

#_reaching the soil

#_retained in the soil
session['N_soil']=round(session['N_lands']*(1-(N_soil_loss/100)), 1)


Matt Redding

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