[Zope] DTML Question

beno zope@thewebsons.com
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 18:59:57 -0400

At 10:51 AM 1/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>[ beno]
> > I know one cannot nest DTML objects, but the below lets you
> > know what I'm
> > trying to accomplish. What is the correct syntax?
> >
> > <dtml-let folder="<dtml-var id>">
> >
><dtml-let folder=id>

That simple. Thanks. But I'm still not home free. Here's my code:

<dtml-let lang="REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')">
  <dtml-in objectValues>
   <dtml-let folder=id>
    <dtml-if expr="folder[2:]==lang[2:]">
     <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('approved', '[lang]')">
     <dtml-var approved>

It prints this: *[lang]*. I need it to print the value of the variable. How 
do I do that?