[Zope] Default ZClass constructor not working? (was: re: Zope .org feedba ck)

Leeuw van der, Tim tim.leeuwvander@nl.unisys.com
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 15:03:20 -0600

For this I have no explanation, none at all. Zope Goblins. And perhaps the
Goblins got scared by me downloading zope2.6.0.

But without even rebooting the zope server all those ZClasses that didn't
work suddenly *work* now.
Perhaps as a result of doing an export.

I have no explanation. I'm puzzled.



-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Maurer [mailto:dieter@handshake.de]
Sent: maandag 13 januari 2003 21:14
To: tim.leeuwvander@nl.unisys.com
Cc: zope@zope.org
Subject: RE: [Zope] Default ZClass constructor not working? (was: re:
Zope .org feedba ck)

Leeuw van der, Tim wrote at 2003-1-12 17:42 -0600:
 > Here is a very minimal product, with no dependancies, no funcionality,
 > nothing, just a constructor. (Not the product from the traceback I posted
 > earlier, but it has the same problem.)
I imported your "zexp" (into "Control_Panel/Products"),
got two new meta types in my "add list" ("zcTest" and "zcTest2") and
could create instances for them without any problem.

   Unfortunately, this means: I cannot reproduce your problem.

   This Zope Goblin tries to avoid me...
