[Zope] re: Length of results set

Ken ken@p11.org
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 18:54:53 +0100 (CET)

Dylan, thanks for trying...

>It's _.len() not ._len()

Right of course, sorry for the typo.

It's not the total sequence-length that I am after, rather the number of matches found by a <dtml-if> nested in a <dtml-in>. 

> <dtml-let lang="REQUEST.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE','en-us')">
> <dtml-in objectValues>
> <dtml-let folder=id>
> <dtml-let langShort=lang[2:]>
> <dtml-var langShort>
> <dtml-if expr="folder==lang">
> <dtml-var lang>  <---------- how many of these?
> </dtml-if>                   (there could be several)
> </dtml-let>
> </dtml-let>
> </dtml-in>
> </dtml-let>

I've indicated above the number I'm after.

Sorry if I was unclear.

New ideas?

Thanks, Ken