[Zope] Also, an error occurred while attempting to render the standard
error message.
Dieter Maurer
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 21:53:01 +0100
Operaciones - Piensa Technologies wrote at 2003-1-16 00:19 -0600:
> I first saw this error while hitting cancel at the HTTP Authentication
> pop-up window (where the username and password are requested) of one of
> my Zope applications:
> You are not authorized to access this resouce
> Username and password are not correct
> (Also, an error occurred while attempting to render
> the standard error message.)
> The first two lines are OK, but I have been unable to find out what is
> causing the "...rendering the standard_error_message." message.
When processing a Zope request produces an exception,
Zope searches "standard_error_message" and renders it.
If this rendering produces another (secondary) exception,
Zope uses a trivial build in error handler and
Also, an error occurred while attempting to render
the standard error message.
Your "standard_error_message" contains a bug.
Add "dtml-try ... dtml-except" to it and make an output in the
"except" part.