[Zope] Re: dynamic sql query

Eugen Nedelcu eugen@sifolt.ro
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 14:04:33 +0200

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 12:51:39PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> first, shouldn't you be using dmtl-sqlvar? and second, i think the
> problem is that dtml-var returns a string, which is single-quoted.
> you'll need to fine a type="" argument for dtml-sqlvar that renders
> unquoted characters.

I don't think you understand my problem...
I need to pass this arguments to my zsql method:

1. database - string - the name of the database
2. table - string - the name of the table
3. pri - string - the name of the primary_key column
4. tuple_pri - tuple - a tuple with primary_keys of the rows
	which will be deleted.

In sql the query would be (i.e): 

delete from test.test where id in (1,3,7,9)

A zsql method like this:

delete from <dtml-var database>.<dtml-var table> where
<dtml-sqltest id type=nb op=eq multiple>

will work if the name of the primary_key is id, but I
want to pass that column name myself.

Hope that this make things more clear.
Best regards.

ICQ: 165549179