[Zope] Re: (un)restrictedTraverse bug

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 20:57:12 +0100

Maik Jablonski wrote at 2003-1-30 20:14 +0100:
 > You should not use any whitespace in Zope-Ids. Think of all Zope-Objects 
 > as Python-Objects which are mapped to Urls. Python doesn't like any 
 > whitespace in attributes etc... Urls shouldn't contain any whitespace in 
 > my opinion! That's really nasty windowish-style...
Moreover, the URL specification forbids whitespace in URLs because
there are serious readability issues (whitespace at start/end,
it is a tab or several blanks, is it one or two blanks...).
