[Zope] use email package in zope

george donnelly list@zettai.net
Thu, 03 Jul 2003 09:52:10 +0000

[Sergey Volobuev wrote (zope@phpv.khv.ru) on 7/3/03 3:55 AM]

>> I'd like to be able to use the email python module (already installed in
> my
>> zope's python) from a python script in zope. of course i get unathorized
>> errors.
> Read the README.txt from Products/PythonScripts

thank, yes i tried that. I started over again and i still get this error:

import of "email.Message" is unauthorized

here is my GlobalModules __init__.py:

# Global module assertions for Python scripts
from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_module


any ideas?

george donnelly - http://www.zettai.net/ - "Quality Zope Hosting"
Zope Hosting - Dynamic Website Design - Search Engine Promotion
Yahoo, AIM: zettainet - MSN: zettainet@hotmail.com - ICQ: 51907738