[Zope] ZCTextIndex parse error
Tim Hicks
Mon, 7 Jul 2003 00:37:47 +0100 (BST)
Hi Dieter,
Dieter Maurer said:
> Tim Hicks wrote at 2003-7-5 16:40 +0100:
> > I've got a zope 2.6.1 (on solaris if that matters) and a ZCatalog setup with a
> > ZCTextIndex. I also have a search/results pair of page templates that provide an
> > interface for users to actually search the catalog.
> >
> > All is well with most sorts of queries, except that inputing something like
> 'word1
> > NOT word2' throws up a "Parse Error" "Token 'EOF' required, 'NOT' found". The
> > strange thing is that using 'word1 -word2' does work, as does 'word1 AND word2'.
> > Sorry, I'm not able to provide a full traceback just at the moment as I don't
> have
> > access to the root zope folder - and consequently the error_log *.
> >
> > Does anybody have any idea what's going wrong?
> Where did you read that "NOT" is a supported operand?
> If you did not read about it, then is is probably not allowed.
I found it at
> It may be possible that can you use "NOT" only in "AND NOT".
I hadn't tried that, but it does work. Thanks for the tip.
> It may be a bug.
Yes, if the documentation is correct, then I think it must be a bug. I'll wait a
while longer for people who don't work at the weekend to chime in. After that, I'll
file a report in the collector.