[Zope] Enabling Stack Traces in 2.6.1

J Cameron Cooper jccooper@jcameroncooper.com
Mon, 07 Jul 2003 12:32:55 -0500

>> I ran into a problem last night that involved a Python script 
>> failing; the
>> Zope error message referred to viewing the source of the page to view 
>> the
>> stack trace, but there was no stack trace there;
> This message "view page source etc" is like a bad joke - i've looking 
> at HTML page source several times before i understood that author of 
> this message really mean "if you're site adminitsrator, look at 
> DTML-source of a document which produces error" or something like that.
> Maybe we need more user (read -"site visitor")-friendly message? The 
> current one seems very ambiguous and frustrating. Can it be considered 
> as a bug and posted into Collector?

Actually, it's a historical artifact from when the stack traces *were* 
included in the HTML source of the error page. Which, while a different 
problem, is still a problem.

Please file a bug (or make a little noise on zope-dev.)
