[Zope] 2.3.2 - external method re module

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:08:07 +0200

Florian Konnertz wrote at 2003-7-8 00:40 +0200:
 > I have to change all stx links in a dtml doc to html which is not done 
 > for any reason. It's an old zope (2.3.2) :( python is 1.5.2
 > I tried with string.find, but i get a "string object has no atribute 
 > 'find'" error.

In Python 1.5.2, you use the "find" function in the module "string".

The "string" module is exposed as "_.string" in DTML.

 > ...
 > Here are the most simple pattern i tried, the double quotes quoted with 
 > \ and not, in triple quotes and not etc. Everytime i add the double 
 > quotes, my pattern fails.

I cannot tell you why it does not work for you in Zope.

I can tell you that regular expressions in External Methods
are treated the same way as in external scripts (with one
notable exception: you should not use compile regular expressions
in default function arguments).
Especially, there is no problem with '"'.

 > ....
 > url              = r'["=]?((about|gopher|http|https|ftp|mailto|file):%s' 
 >    % urlendchar
 > this is the pattern i need:
 > link = r'(".+?"):%s' % (url)

Looks like unbalanced "()":

  In the "url" definition, I see 2 opening but one closing parenthesis.
