[Zope] securityinfo for a class

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 14 Jul 2003 00:52:19 +0200

Fernando Martins wrote at 2003-7-13 01:48 +0200:
 > I'm creating a Product with a function retrieve(self, num) which returns an
 > email.Message object.
 > In a zpt of the product I've
 > <div tal:define="msg python:here.retrieve(request['num'])">
 > and I would like to manipulate msg using email.Message methods, like in
 >     <td tal:content="python:msg.get('from')">name</td>
 > I've added these delarations to my __init__.py
 > ModuleSecurityInfo('email').declarePublic('Message')
 > ModuleSecurityInfo('Message').declarePublic('get')

Reread the "README" for "PythonScripts" and the security
section in the Zope Developer Guide.

Watch out for the difference between a module and a class.

The second line seems to indicate that "Message" should be
a class (as 'get' is an unusual function in a module).
But you are using "ModuleSecurityInfo".
Also: "ModuleSecurityInfo" need a full path to the module,
something like "email.Message".
