[Zope] apache rewrite virtual host URL-hiding

Florian Konnertz florian.konnertz@web.de
Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:05:41 +0200

Hi all,

I have a porb with rewrite - after modifying httpd.conf and restarting 
apache nothing happened so i wondered if the config was read at all... 
but of course it may be just a fault of my rewrite rule. - Please have a 

I want to do:
http://openspirit.de should be forwarded to the zope folder "noo",
located in (zope-root)/openspirit/noo/
of my Zope server.

I can use regular URL-forwarding, URL-hiding and rewrite-rules to 
achieve this.  - It should be possible in some way ;)

Because it didn't work that easy as i expected it tried to do it in 
small steps, just copied my old and working virtual host entry:

# current rule, works, forward von DynDNS -> IP
<VirtualHost openspirit.homelinux.net>
        ServerName openspirit.homelinux.net
        ServerAlias openspirit.homelinux.net
                RewriteEngine on
                RewriteLogLevel 1
                RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ 

# new domain: http://openspirit.de, does not work; forwarding bzw. 
URL-hiding from a real hosting
<VirtualHost openspirit.de>
        ServerName openspirit.de
        ServerAlias openspirit.de
                RewriteEngine on
                RewriteLogLevel 1
                RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ 

In both domain config menues i entered just the IP, so both adresses are 
analogues to each other:

Maybe you alreday have an idea, how to do the complete thing - i would 
be so fair to use your solution unchanged ;-)

Do i need URL-hiding in that case? IMO it's all possible with the ruels 
and i make the domain forwarded just to the IP. I guess URL-hiding is 
only for sites on free hosting serveices like geocities and so on, right?

Have a nice day,


P.S. What's the difference between
<VirtualHost openspirit.de>
ServerName openspirit.de
Why is it there twice?

Florian Konnertz   ---   http://www.florian-konnertz.de
ZWiki about all topics, especially consciousness research
and wisdom traditions