[Zope] get size of file in localfs

Jamie Heilman jamie@audible.transient.net
Fri, 18 Jul 2003 13:15:23 -0700

Michael Bleijerveld wrote:
> For calculating if the user reaches the diskquota.

You can use seek and tell, I'm not really sure if its "safe"
but thats what I did in the re-write of the zope examples to enforce
an after-the-fact filesize limit.

Jamie Heilman                   http://audible.transient.net/~jamie/
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality.  Before we know the words
 for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
 with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
 one direction, and time is its only measure."		-Rosencrantz