[Zope] apache rewrite virtual host URL-hiding

Florian Konnertz florian.konnertz@web.de
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 01:17:17 +0200

Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Florian Konnertz wrote at 2003-7-17 15:05 +0200:
>  > I have a porb with rewrite - after modifying httpd.conf and restarting 
>  > apache nothing happened so i wondered if the config was read at all... 
>  > but of course it may be just a fault of my rewrite rule. - Please have a 
>  > look:
> Do you know that you can log the actions of rewrite rules?
> Look at the "mod_rewrite" documentation, for details.
> Dieter
Yes i know. - It is logged already: nothing happens...
It's a VHost problem, my section is untouched, instead the default vh is 
taken, i still have no idea, why. I studied most of the vh manual, 
posted to the apache NG now.


Florian Konnertz   ---   http://www.florian-konnertz.de	
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