[Zope] How do I encrypt files in the ZODB

grissom@qwickconnect.net grissom@qwickconnect.net
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 06:13:31 -0700


Thanks for the suggestion. It looks like alot of work went
into this and the supporting products.

I am still not sure if a guarded file is the right solution
for my particular challenge.

Here is a little more detail on my app and subsequent new

The file management app contains 4 views that are
accessible by 4 member groups and 4 admin groups.
Each of the groups has access to at least one view and some
have access to all views. 
The views themselves contain 4 links 3 of the links are
direct links to PDFs. The 4th link
sends the member or admin to a secondary page with
supporting PDFs. Once a member logs in I use DTMl
to determine what He or She are able to access. When they
click on the file that they are allowed
to access they are presented with the PDF.

The concern is not with the users and I don't want to have
to authenticate a user every time they
request a file. It sounds like if I read the Guarded file
How to correctly; thats what will occur
after installing and using a GuardedFile.

The main concern is with our contracted Web Server Admins.
Even if I were to set up roles and
security for our contractors they could still migrate
data.fs to a new ZOPE server set up an
emergency user account and access the ACL Users Folder.
Correct? This is the assumption I am
working on.

Rob Grissom

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 15:08:45 +0800
 Ng Pheng Siong <ngps@netmemetic.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 01:50:40PM -0700,
> grissom@qwickconnect.net wrote:
> > I have recently received requirements for the next
> version
> > in which the client is asking that the contractors have
> > access to everything but the PDFs that have been
> uploaded.
> GuardedFile, perhaps?
> A GuardedFile is a Zope File that is accessible by proxy
> only.
> http://www.post1.com/home/ngps/zope/gf
> -- 
> Ng Pheng Siong <ngps@netmemetic.com> 
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