Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 23:27:47 +0200

Robert Jean wrote at 2003-7-21 14:47 -0700:
 > I was trying the following script given in the Zope
 > Book 2.6 (I am running Zope 2.6 on Windows):
 > ## Script (Python) "sessionTest"
 > secs_per_day=24*60*60
 > session=context.REQUEST.SESSION
 > if session.has_key('last view'):
 >     # The script has been viewed before, since the
 > 'last view'
 >     # has been previously set in the session.
 >     then=session['last view']
 >     now=context.ZopeTime()
 >     session['last view']=now # reset last view to now
 >     return 'Seconds since last view %.2f' % ((now -
 > then) * secs_per_day)
 > # The script hasn't been viewed before, since there's
 > no 'last
 > # view' in the session data. 
 > session['last view']=context.ZopeTime()
 > return 'This is your first view'
 > I get the following error:
 > Error Type: KeyError
 > Error Value: SESSION

Your script above should not raise this exception.

Did you check the traceback that the exception was really
raised in the above script?

 > ...
 > Also, cookies are enabled. They are displayed when I
 > do <dtml-var REQUEST>, but this snippet prints "not
 > set" despite the fact that "foo" shows up among the
 > cookies in DTML:
 > if container.REQUEST.RESPONSE.cookies.has_key('foo'):

You should drop the ".RESPONSE"!

"cookies" is a "REQUEST" attribute.
