[Zope] Interfaces to imported python modules

Matt matt@inuan.com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:32:28 +1200

I seem to be having a problem accessing attributes and methods of 
objects created inside a custom Zope product from python scripts and 
ZPTs.  I am not sure whether this is a misunderstanding of the security 
access rules described in the Zope Developer's Guide, or perhaps just 
the wrong way to think about exposing python objects to python scripts 
and ZPTs.

The basic scenario in my product module  is this

from SomeWhereElse import ObjectA

Class MyProduct( Folder.Folder, Persistent, Implicit )

    def __init__( self ):
        self.dataObjects = []

    def createAndAddDataObject( self ):
        self.dataObjects.append( Data( ) )

    def getDataObjects( self ):
        return the dara
        return self.dataObjects

Class Data:

    def __init__( self ):
        self.data = ObjectA()


So not very interesting, and I have skipped all the usual product and 
_p_changed bits, I'm simply demonstrating the relationship between 
product class, a custom data class, and classes from SomeWhereElse.

in SomeWhereElse, ObjectA creates and holds references to many other 
Objects of many different classes.

The problem is that I can call a method such as getDataObjects from a 
python script and get back a list of objects of type Data.  However I 
cannot access the attributes or methods of the ".data" attributes of 
these Data objects.  No amount of setting  the following in either the 
Product class or the Data class helps.

    security = ClassSecurityInfo()

The only option I feel I have is to explicitly define in Data or 
MyProduct getters/callers for all the methods and attributes of the 
classes defined in SomeWhereElse using proxy classes with the 
appropriate security settings set.  This seems a bit cumbersome.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.