[Zope] i18n site and search robots
Tino Wildenhain
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 09:13:04 +0200
Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Gilles Lenfant wrote at 2003-7-22 15:50 +0200:
> > This is not strictly speaking a Zope problem, but certainly lots amond you
> > faced and fixed this.
> > I made a i18n site with Localizer that runs fairly good, including its i18n
> > search engine.
> > But what about external searche engine robots (google, infossek...)
> > How to "tell" them that they may browse and index the pages in french,
> > english, spanish (...), changing their http header "Accept-Language" ?
> Not sure, whether this is the most elegant way, but:
> You could have "language access folders", e.g. "en", "fr", "de".
> Requests that go through these folders select the corresponding
> language. A ("SiteAccess") AccessRule in the folders ensures
> that "Accept-Language" is correctly set in "REQUEST.environ"
> and that even "absolute_url" generates the correct language
> specific URLs.
According to the W3C standard, the server would
1.) issue a vary: Accept-Language header on each request
2.) if no accept-language header is sent, definition requires to send
300 "Multiple Choices" as status and provide a list of available
In the multiple choice answer, the list could consist of the said links
to the language-acess folders Dieter proposed.
This would make a good crawler switch.