[Zope] Re: [Plone-users] linking zope/CMF objects to sql databases?

Ivo van der Wijk ivo@amaze.nl
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 20:47:35 +0200

On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 10:05:19AM -0700, Kelley, Sean wrote:
> I need a content management system which acts as an operation and
> maintenance manual for assets.  I need to be able to pull related data from
> a SQL database and update the SQL database by linking to some plone/zope
> object like folder id or possibly asset number as a value in the property of
> plone/zope objects.  
> For example, if I have a record in the sql database, I want to allow users
> to add documentation, images, and other things to the plone folder and have
> it relate to the sql data for that asset ID.
> How might this be done?  Is there an existing product?  Is there a better
> way to relate this data?  Anybody tried this? 

Sounds like something a custom Archetype with SQL storage could do. It
doesn't necessarily map perfectly to your database schema, but you can
of course tweak the storage a bit.

Check ArcheRecipes (in cvs) for a sample content type using SQL Storage



Drs. I.R. van der Wijk                                      -=-              
Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 12                     Amaze Internet Services V.O.F.
1017 RC Amsterdam, NL                                       -=-              
T +31-20-4688336         F +31-20-4688337        Linux/Web/Zope/SQL/MMBase   
W http://www.amaze.nl    E info@amaze.nl             Network Solutions        
W http://vanderwijk.info E ivo@amaze.nl                 Consultancy          
PGP http://vanderwijk.info/pgp                              -=-