[Zope] calling standart_html_header in python script
Paavo Parkkinen
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 07:22:21 +0300
On Thu, 24.07.2003 at 05:13 +0100, Exteam wrote:
> I need to call the standard_html_header &
> standard_html_footer (both are dtml methods in plone
> skins), how do i call these in the python scripts.
> i had tried it this way,
> context.standard_html_header(context,request)
> context.standard_html_footer(context,request)
> but doesn't work or give any error
I think that calls them. It just doesn't do anything.
What would you like to do with them?
"joskus voi t=E4=E4 meno k=E4yd=E4 ahdistavaksi
kun on t=E4=E4ll=E4 muodostunut tavaksi
muuttaa jokaisen el=E4m=E4n arvo rahaksi"