Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 18:59:25 +0200

Please stay on the list...

Robert Jean wrote at 2003-7-24 09:14 -0700:
 > ...
 > The 1st problem is still there. This script results in
 > an error being raised:
 > #---
 > response = context.REQUEST.RESPONSE
 > #---
 > I get a KeyError: SESSION in my error_log:
 > Traceback (innermost last): 
 > ....
 > Module Script (Python), line 1, in script3
 > <PythonScript at /testusers/script3>
 > Line 1 
 > Module ZPublisher.HTTPRequest, line 1192, in
 > __getattr__ 
 > Module ZPublisher.HTTPRequest, line 1154, in get 
 > KeyError: SESSION

At least, you definitely do not get it from the line above...

What is "line 1" of "testusers/script3"?

You are sure, your "session_data_manager" uses "SESSION" as
its "Place SESSION in REQUEST object as".
There is not trailing blank there?
