unicode and ZCTextIndex, WAS:RE: [Zope] strange unicode behaviour

Tino Wildenhain tino@wildenhain.de
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:50:04 +0200

Dieter Maurer wrote:
> I hit this same problem earlier.
> I never understood why the meta "http_equiv=content-type" did not
> work, just recognized that it did not work reliably.
> Do you know why it does not work?

This influencing of HTTP-headers via HTML is very problematic
1) there are often real HTTP-headers, there seems to be no
    definition which takes precedence over the other
2) Downstream proxys cannot read HTML embedded HTTP-header, but
    base their caching strategy on the real headers. This will
    sometimes lead to confusing experiences

In general, if you have control over the real HTTP headers, you
schould use it and not include something like that in HTML.
With zope we are in the happy position to have control as
opposite to a "web-business-card" where you just dump a couple
of HTML files onto a hosters server.

A patched ZPT could transport information from HTML meta
to REQUEST... interesting idea.
