SV: [Zope] Script to automatically add "Member" role for first login using exUserFolder with SMB authentication
Carsten Gehling
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 00:20:21 +0200
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: []P=E5 vegne af Jim
> Hodapp
> Sendt: 24. juli 2003 15:05
> Til:
> Emne: [Zope] Script to automatically add "Member" role for first login
> using exUserFolder with SMB authentication
> I setup my zope so that I can use the exUserFolder and login using my
> company's Windows Domain controller. I know how to manually add users
> so that they are part of the "Member" role but I want this to be done
> automatically the first time a user logs in to zope (or my plone site).
> How is this accomplished? I am very new to Zope and Plone but I am a
> long-time programmer - so please don't spare the details. :)
I've had success using "Remote User Folder" instead. It includes an optio=
called "Auto Add Users" which does just that.
You can find it here:
- Carsten