[Zope] Why doesn't this work?

Terry Hancock hancock@anansispaceworks.com
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 22:58:14 -0700

On Monday 28 July 2003 08:01 pm, Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 19:05, Terry Hancock wrote:
> > On Monday 28 July 2003 02:41 pm, Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
> > > Globals.InitializeClass(MyContainer)
> > 
> > Hey, that works!  
> Glad to hear that helped.  I didn't have a second guess. 

Actually, though going to using __bobo_traverse__ 
introduces a bizarre new wrinkle to the problem.  If you 
access the object (in DTML) as:

Normal HTTP request (i.e. just put it in the HTML):
<a href="MyContainer/Green">Link to Green wrapper 
that works (with __bobo_traverse__ defined).

And if you define an accessor method like the "get_obj" 
method I defined, you can call the object using it:
that works.

DOES NOT work!

You get the authentication failure, just as I did in the 
case I posted earlier. This is with __bobo_traverse__ doing 
basically the same thing that get_obj() did in my example 
(you have to change the arguments around, because it 
expects this calling profile:

def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST=None, name=None):
      "Traversal hook"
      #  your code here
      return acquisition_wrapped_object

I can of course avoid calling it this way (it's not hard to 
restrict myself to using restrictedTraverse on the "real" 
object), but it is very weird.  I remember from when I 
first started poking around with this that I discovered 
that restrictedTraverse uses a "fake request", and I now 
think that must be at the heart of the matter.  But I still 
don't understand it.

I had been thinking that it was ultimately because of the 
problem of returning the dynamically created wrapper 
object, which is why I wrote the PBTest product to separate 
that problem out.  But apparently that's not it, since 
(after applying your help) that part works okay.

Any thoughts on this?


Terry Hancock ( hancock at anansispaceworks.com )
Anansi Spaceworks  http://www.anansispaceworks.com