[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] How to use dtml-sqltest tag in zsql method?

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:32:46 +0100

Hi Anitha,

This is probably best aimeed at the zope@zope.org list...

Anitha George wrote:

> I am passing a string in this format (215,216) from the python script to
> the Zsql method.

What does your python script look like at the point where you call the ZSQL method?

> The SQl query should have the following form:
>   select * from employees where id in (215,216)
> but is as follows:
>   select * from employees where id in '(215,216)' which does not give 
> the required result.The id is of data type string/nb.

What is a string/nb?

> Please help me out!!Is there any other type for declaring the database 
> fields other than int,float,string and nb.I am using Zope version 2.5.1 
> . The documentation covers Zope 2.5.

Just try replacing the <dtml-sqlvar> with a normal <dtml-var> for the variable 
containing you (215,216) string...

