[Zope] [OffTopic]Browser Specific Issue

Jens Vagelpohl jens@zope.com
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 07:47:57 -0400

> All that you are saying is new to me. I ve never worked on forms for
> uplodaing the data. It seems the person who wrote the form originally
> also did not understand these issues. Thats why the application
> expects the entire path instead of a file.
> So now I will need to rewrite the product a bit. Like instead of 
> processing
> file directly on the filesystem I should get it inside ZMI and process 
> it there.
> The application uses an External method for processing the file. So 
> this should
> not be a problem.
> Any suggestions are welcome.

make sure the form tag has an enctype attribute that look like this:


otherwise you will never get the file data uploaded and will always 
just get the file name (or path in IE).
