[Zope] slicing ZTUtils.Batch
Kevin Carlson
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 18:07:13 -0400
Jordan Baker wrote:
>Hi I'm writing some somewhat convoluted ZPT that should work tho,
><tr tal:repeat="row python:range(2)">
> <td align="center" tal:repeat="plate python:plates[row * 2:(row
>* 2) + 2]">
> </td>
>Zope is giving me an error complaining about a missing __getslice__
If I create the following template based on your code it runs fine. It
may be a problem with whatever your 'plates' object is in the second
<title tal:content="template/title">The title</title>
<div tal:define="plates string:slkfdjlskdjfldskjsdfsdfsdfsdff">
<tr tal:repeat="row python:range(2)">
<td align="center" tal:repeat="plate python:plates[row * 2:(row*
2) + 2]">
<div tal:replace="plate"></div>