[Zope] Attributes

Simon Forster simon-lists@ldml.com
Wed, 18 Jun 2003 20:05:06 +0100

This should be simplicity itself but I've read and re-read what the 
Zope book has to say on this and I don't understand...

<img src="../images/ldmlMenu_01.png" width="170" height="2" border="0" 
tal:attributes="src here/images/ldmlMenu_01.png">

should, if my understanding is correct, replace the src attribute for 
the image with the path defined by the tal:attributes statement. My 
understanding is wrong because I get:

<img src="&lt;img 
alt=&quot;&quot; title=&quot;&quot; height=&quot;2&quot; 
width=&quot;170&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; /&gt;" width="170" 
height="2" border="0">

To put this in context, this snippet is contained in a format file 
which is included in a number of other files. Not knowing better I've 
used the construct:

<div id="menuMain" tal:replace="structure here/main_menu">
...placeholder code...

to include this although I understand that I should use Macros to 
include this. I'll change this shortly.

It looks as if...

No I wont embarrass myself further. Would someone explain what's going 
on here and where my understanding is wrong.


Simon Forster
   LDML Ltd, Office One, 16 Canham Road, London, W3 7SR, UK
         Tel: +44 (0)20 8749 7766     Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247