[Zope] one time downloads
Ed Colmar
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 11:24:24 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for all the responses.
Here is what I ended up doing, for those of you that would like to do
something similar.
I love the zope community. You all rock!
def genfoldername(self):
""" generate a random folder name """
chars = string.letters + string.digits
foldername = ''
for i in range(23):
foldername = foldername + choice(chars)
return foldername
def make_download_folder(self, filename, useridref):
""" make a temporary download location """
f_base = "/somestoragefolder/" # file storage
d_base = "/sometempfolder/" # temporary download location
## First, Generate a random string
foldername = self.genfoldername()
## Make a download folder
tempdlpath = d_base + foldername
## Make a symbolic link to the temporary folder
filepath = f_base + filename
tempfilepath = tempdlpath + '/' + filename
os.symlink(filepath, tempfilepath)
## Check DB for other items matching this useridref
result = self.SQL_get_downloads_by_useridref(useridref=useridref)
## Delete all outstanding downloads
for download in result:
this_downloadid = download['downloadid']
this_filename = download['filename']
this_folder = download['foldername']
this_file_location = d_base + this_folder + '/' +
this_folder_location = d_base + this_folder
## Insert download record into DB
self.SQL_add_download(foldername=foldername, filename=filename,
return foldername + '/' + filename
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