[Zope] bug in catalog?

Steffen Hausmann steffen@hausmann-family.de
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 01:38:58 +0200


I'm having a problem with the zope catalog in combination with an
apache rewrite rule and I think that it is a bug of the catalog.

I'm using the folloing RewriteRule to which points to the directory

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,P]

When an item is added it gets indexed to a catalog which is located in
the folder /brk.


This is where the problem occurs. The 'Object Identifier' of the item
is /edit/Berichtverwaltung/20030626213201.0.875058372091 and not
/brk/edit/Berichtverwaltung/20030626213201.0.875058372091 as it should
be. The 'path' key and the rest of the variables that get indexed are

But if I try to access an item with a wrong 'Object Identifier' with

path = re.match("(.*)/edit/.+?/.+?", object.getObject().absolute_url()).groups()[0]

an AttributeError is raised.

Exception Type  	AttributeError
Exception Value 	'None' object has no attribute 'absolute_url'

If I delete the wrong entry of the catalog and reindex it with 'Find
Object' the 'Object Identifier' has the missing '/brk' and the error
doesn't occur.

If I update the catalog with 'manage_catalogReindex' while it contains
some of the wrong entries they are deleted.

Any ideas what is wrong?

MfG Steffen
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