[Zope] VideoCapture module fails under Zope on Win32
Sat, 1 Mar 2003 04:00:09 -0500
Dylan wrote on Friday, February 28, 2003, 12:06:00 PM:
> It might be a permissions issue. Is Zope running as a service?
Nice to get all these suggestions from you and Stefan. Zope was not
running as a service (for development i run it manually so i can see
any stdout/stderr more easily), but i just tried it as a service with
the same results (it doesn't work). This XP box has just one account
with full Administrator privileges (yeah, bad, i know).
> If that doesn't straighten things out, could you provide a snip of the code
> that works at the CLI but doesn't work in your product and any traceback
> you're getting?
There's not much code to show. But I'll be happy to give a complete
report below for anyone willing to spare valuable time to look at it.
Trying to isolate the problem, i made things as minimal as possible.
The following few lines are a module which runs fine from the CLI, but
when in my tiny little minimal product import this module and call the
function ... it doesn't work. It's the call to Device() that fails.
--- vidtest.py ---
from VideoCapture import Device
def getdev():
cam = Device(devnum=0)
return cam
if __name__ == '__main__':
print getdev()
---end of vidtest.py---
>From the command line:
> "h:\Program Files\ozope\bin\python.exe" vidtest.py
<VideoCapture.Device instance at 008800BC>
Now here is the zope product test method:
def test(self):
import vidtest
return vidtest.getdev()
Results from zope:
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 98, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
Module Products.ZVideoCapture.ZVideoCapture, line 32, in test
Module Products.ZVideoCapture.vidtest, line 4, in getdev
Module VideoCapture, line 49, in __init__
Error: Creation of the filter graph failed.
Tim Middleton | Cain Gang Ltd | Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, the
x@veX.net | www.Vex.Net | unpitying orchestra struck up a polka. -D